Choir Trip 2024: Glastonbury, July 19

This morning we enjoyed the shortest bus trip of our tour so far, just fifteen minutes
 from our hotel in Wales! We headed to Glastonbury Abbey, founded in the 8th century, reportedly by Joseph of Arimathea. . Little is left of what once stood, but judging by what is there, it was quite impressive. There's also a marker claiming that King Arthur and Guinevere are buried on the grounds!

Our tour guide, Luke, suggested that the choir head down to the kitchen area and sing, as the acoustics are amazing. We did, and if you were on Facebook at around 6 am EDT, you would have caught the live show! If not, you can watch the recording here!

We had lunch on our own in Glastonbury, and enjoyed all the unusual shops selling jewelry, crystals, tarot cards, and tie dye clothing.

We headed back to Wells for a short break then rehearsal for evensong, where Jackson played the little organ and seemed to really enjoy it.

After Evensong we had dinner and free time, and we gathered in the lobby bar/restaurant for Euchre and other assorted card games.

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