Choir Trip 2024: Bath, July 16

Mary Shelley and Jane Austen have lived here, much of the popular TV show Bridgerton is filmed here - Bath is a bustling town full of shops, restaurants and history.
We arrived mid-morning and were treated to a tour of the Roman baths that gave the city its name. Dedicated to the goddess Sulis Minerva, the baths date back to 60 AD.
Next door, The Pump Room is a world famous tea room, frequented by Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in a house at the same location that was demolished to allow The Pump Room to expand.
The choir returned to Wells for rehearsal prior to their 5:15 Evensong, then were invited to a reception in the Vicars Hall. On the way, they sang in the Chapter House, which has amazing acoustics. (Watch the video here)
We enjoyed wine, OJ and potato chips and were given a warm welcome and much gratitude from the Canon Chancellor, Megan Daffern, Canon Precenter, Timothy Stevens and Acting Director of Music, Alexander Hamilton.
The choristers and chaperones then headed out to a pre-arranged dinner at Ask Italian, but stopped first to pet the Cathedral cat, Basil. He has his own bed on the reception desk, where he spends most of his day sleeping. 
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