Child Care

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
A child's earliest experiences of church are among their most formative.  At Christ Church, we strive to make these earliest experiences not only safe, but rich in joy and laughter, so that all our children may know that they are beloved by God.
In addition to childcare offered during worship services and parish events, we offer the  Parents' Day Out (for 16 months old to 3 years old) to help nurture healthy and life-giving families in the Grosse Pointe community.

For more information about our Nursery, please contact Lisa Brown at
 or 313-885-4841, ext. 104.

Child Care

Various times:
Sundays: 8:30–12:30 pm (Birth to 3 years old and children of all ages who need special support)
During Evensong: 2:30–5:30 pm (Birth to 2nd grade and children of all ages who need special support)
During Concerts: 2:30 - 5:30 pm (Birth to 2nd grade and children of all ages who need special support)
Thursdays: 5:30–8:30 pm (Birth to 3 years old and children of all ages who need special support)
Staffed by trained caregivers, our Christ Church community is committed to providing a safe, pleasant, and clean environment for our children where they feel safe, happy, and their special needs are lovingly met. Our Childcare room is a cheerful, safe, and welcoming environment in which children are introduced to our Christian tradition through creative play, sharing stories, and song.