This Sunday
Worship Schedule
Livestream (9 am)
For Children and Youth
Child Care
8:30–11:30 am – Childcare Room
Children's Chapel (age 3 to grade 2+)
Children join their families for the beginning of the service in the "big church" then, following the opening hymn and collect, children are invited to come together for a hymn, age-appropriate prayers, and reflection.
Children's Faith Formation
PreK - 12th Grade
10:15–11:15 am – Education Wing
(September - May)
8:30–11:30 am – Childcare Room
Children's Chapel (age 3 to grade 2+)
Children join their families for the beginning of the service in the "big church" then, following the opening hymn and collect, children are invited to come together for a hymn, age-appropriate prayers, and reflection.
Children's Faith Formation
PreK - 12th Grade
10:15–11:15 am – Education Wing
(September - May)
For Adults
Rector's Forum
10:15 - 11: 15 am
Join us for breakfast!
10:15 - 11: 15 am
Join us for breakfast!