How it started...
In 1923, Sunday School classes for Grosse Pointe children began in area homes. Sunday worship was at Christ Church on East Jefferson Avenue (Old Christ Church), of which Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, was a mission. Work began in 1928 on Christ Church Chapel, so named because it was envisioned as the first structure of a cathedral-like complex. The Chapel – today’s Christ Church – was set far back from Grosse Pointe Boulevard to allow space for future expansion. The cornerstone was laid September 30. Sunday School classes were held at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church’s parish house. Christ Church Chapel was dedicated on December 14, 1930, by The Rt. Rev’d Herman Page, Bishop of Michigan, and The Rev’d William D. Maxon, Rector of Christ Church in Detroit, the 'mother’’ parish. The Cloister was funded by a gift from Henry M. Campbell, Sr. and Mr. Douglas Campbell. The Narthex was funded by Mrs. James Vease, Mrs. Sidney Small, E. Caldwell Walker, Hiram H. Walker and Harrington Walker. The Baptistery was funded by Helen Ryan Dean. The tower was funded by Gustava Anderson, the pews by Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. McGraw, and the School Building by Charles Beecher and Helen W. Warren.