Formation Leader/Volunteer Information

Orientation Meeting
Date: Sunday, September 15th
Time: 10:30 AM - 12PM
Who: PreK through 7th grade Sunday School Teachers and 8th graders who will be serving as assistants this year.
Purpose: Review dates, procedures, curriculum, presentations/lessons, and other vital information for the upcoming year

Date: Thursday, September 12th
Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Who: All High School Sunday School Teachers
Purpose: Review dates, procedures, curriculum, presentations/lessons, and other vital information for the upcoming year

Open House
Date: Sunday, September 15th
Time: Following Eucharist at 10:15 AM

Purpose: Visit our newly prepared "Atrium" spaces to better understand our Montessori-based program.

Full Downloadable Calendar
Our Sunday schedule for the year ahead remains unchanged: Sundays from 10:15 am - 11:15 am. You can view and download all our CYF sessions and events at this link: CALENDAR

Volunteer Responsibilities
As you prayerfully consider volunteering again this year, please note that I will be caring for most of the presentations for grades 2nd - 8th. Though CGS is "not brain surgery" as they say, it IS a new style of instruction. No one will be asked to lead a CGS presentation until they are feeling prepared, supported, and confident. Your role as a volunteer will include:
  1. Welcoming children and leading a new opening ritual.
  2. Assisting during presentations/lessons.
  3. Facilitating small group discussions using provided questions.
  4. Collaborating on presentation-related crafts or activities.
  5. Conducting the closing ritual.
5. Safe Church Training
While you are soaking up a few more rays of sun in the hammock, you may wish to complete the required Diocesan Safe Church training.

Class Structure
Godly Play: PreK - 1st grade
Atrium 2: 2nd - 4th grade
Atrium 3: 5th - 7th grade
8th graders: Will be trained to assist in Atrium 2, 8th graders are invited to attend the Orientation on Sept. 15th.

If you wish to change the age group you served last year, please let us know.

We're here to support you and answer any questions. Feel free to contact me at 313-885-4841 ext 104 or Sometimes my email is delayed at that address, so you may also contact me at I'm happy to discuss any concerns you may have about volunteering for the upcoming year.

Thank you for your dedication to our young people. We look forward to another wonderful year of faith formation!