Saturday February 8 | 10 am - Sunday February 9 | 2 pm
Subiaco Youth Group House | Oxford

ALL 9th - 12th graders are welcome to attend - even if they do not attend CCGP - so please invite your kids to bring a friend or two if they like. Parents are responsible for getting their child to and from the retreat house.  If you're able to drive or interested in carpooling, please email cyf@christchurchgp.org.

Christ Church GP Teen Retreat Registration Form

Agreement & Release
The undersigned is registering their teen to participate in a retreat sponsored by Christ Church, Grosse Pointe. The trip is to take place February 8-9, 2025. They acknowledge that participation in the retreat is by personal choice, and that it is an entirely optional activity. They understand the risks involved in this activity and expressly assume those risks. In consideration of participation in this trip,  they hereby waive, release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Christ Church Grosse Pointe, its trustees, officers, employees and agents, of and form any and all actions, causes of action, suits, relating to or arising from their teen's participation in this activity. They have read and understand the foregoing: