Serve in the Community

Upcoming Service Opportunities

Crossroads Soup Kitchen
Sunday,  February 9, 2025
8:00 - 11 am

10:30 am - 2 pm

Volunteer Registration: Use form below

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Register to Donate Blood

Volunteer Registration: Use form below

Ongoing Opportunities to Serve

Blood Drive Teams 
Occasional Tuesdays throughout the year 
 The blood of Jesus Christ gives US eternal life. YOUR blood can give life to others. Please donate. Appointments are made at and enter sponsor code gpbloodcouncil. Volunteer to provide hospitality here.

Carstens Literacy Initiative 
Serving the children of Carstens Academy 
We’d love to introduce you to our friend Mia. In 2nd grade she was reading at 2nd grade level. After 5 months of one-on-one mentoring twice a week, she was reading at a 4th grade level. She gained 2 years in 5 months.
Literacy matters and we at Christ Church know the difference mentoring makes in reading, self-confidence, and personal growth. We are always looking for committed reading friends to read with 2 children for 2 hours (1 hour per child) throughout the school year.
With your prayers and loving relationship and the SOAR model’s proven track record, our kids will be reading better than ever! Inquire Here 

Crossroads Soup Kitchen
Throughout the year, Christ Church members volunteer with the Crossroads Soup Kitchen to   serve over 600 people on a given Sunday. We prepare and serve a hot lunch for the guests and send them off with a freshly made sandwich for later in the day.  
Location: Crossroads of Michigan, 2424 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit MI 
Inquire Here

Loaves and Fishes Sunday
Hunger knowns no calendar. In fact, food pantries typically run low during the long stretch of summer when holiday and Easter energy has waned. Fortunately, Loaves and Fishes Sunday comes around every August to remind us of Jesus’ care for the hungry in his midst and our call to do the same. Join the care every July as we collect food to restock the pantry at Crossroads of Michigan! Inquire Here

Rebuilding Together Service Teams
From spring to fall, we are putting our hands to work in partnership with Rebuilding Together to provide free home repairs and modifications for neighbors in need in the Jefferson-Chalmers community and to help revitalize the neighborhood through community cleanup and rehab projects. Join the care as part of the Christ Church Rebuilding Together team!
Inquire Here

Summer Starters
School meal programs are the first line of defense in our battle against hunger among children. Unfortunately, school meals don’t all run throughout the summer. In partnership with Crossroads of Michigan which provides a summer lunch program for children, Christ Church began the Summer Starters program. Built on Sunday mornings throughout the summer, Summer Starters baskets provide seven (7) shelf-stable breakfasts and snacks to every participant in the Summer Lunch program at Crossroads. Join the care on any given summer Sunday! Inquire Here