Choir Trip 2024: Lacock, July 17

We headed to Lacock this morning, and were rerouted because our bus was actually too big to fit under a bridge - an unexpected detour that added a few minutes to our trip.
When we arrived we immediately visited the majestic home of William Henry Fox Talbot, inventor of the photographic negative. We saw his study where he spent his time working, including the desk he died sitting at, many, many full bookshelves as well as the window he photographed for the negative, which is on display in the museum.
That was all interesting and fun, but the real draw of Lacock for many of us was the many filming locations for some of our favorite films.
Lacock is entirely (except for five houses, they keep pointing out) owned by the National Trust and is an ideal place for filmmakers looking for a location that has maintained its historic charm and medieval buildings. That's Lacock.
It's the stand-in for Meryton, the town that Lizzie and her sisters visit in the one true Pride and Prejudice, BBC 1995, staring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. The Red Lion is the location of Assembly Room where Darcy first lays eyes on Elizabeth. (She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me).
Lacock is known as Godric's Hollow in the Harry Potter series, with a private home at the end of Church Street used as the location of Lily and James' home. There were multiple scenese filmed at the Abbey too!
We returned to Wells for another lovely Evensong, only to find they were setting up for Fleetwood Mac by candlelight - a concert series that we also have in the US. They were really loud so rehearsal was a little difficult, but our amazing choir pushed through and were ready to go at 5:15.
Dinner was on our own, and the kids split up and went to the two Indian restaurants near the hotel. We learned that they'll offer you papadam then charge you 80p for it, and if you don't specify your spice level you're getting medium. Maybe it's British mild American medium. It was spicy. Luckily we've got lots of Tums in our first aid bag!!

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1 Comment

Kathy Williams - July 17th, 2024 at 8:54pm

Thanks for all of your awesome tour photos, videos, and blog!! I'm praying for good health and God's travel mercies for all of you as you travel. Sending love and hugs!