Choir Trip 2024: Windsor, July 14

After a long flight filled with movies, episodes of the Office and Seinfeld, we arrived at Heathrow at 6:15 am. While we waited for our bus to arrive, we enjoyed treats from Marks and Spencer and Nero coffee. Everyone was quite tired, but excited to arrive and get our day going.
We attended Mattins at St. George's and found ourselves standing on Henry VIII and Jane Seymour's final resting place. We did not get a chance to pay our respects to Elizabeth II, unfortunately!
We toured Windsor Castle then explored the city for a while, finding ourselves in the middle of an outdoor mall where a full orchestra played hits from the seventies.
We finally made our way to the bus and headed for Wells, where we had dinner at our hotel and headed off to bed. Most of us were up for 30 hours or more, so we were quite happy to finally rest our heads!

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