Choir Trip 2024: Wells, July 15

Our first full day in Wells started off with a traditional English breakfast complete with beans, mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes and potatoes! The Choir then headed over to the Cathedral to see their home for the next week.
Our home base is in a beautiful new wing called the Friends Building, with two rehearsal rooms and a classroom. The choir rehearsed much of the music they'll be performing for the next week, stored their vestments and headed out for a day in Wells.
The choir quickly discovered several restaurants they'd like to try, as well as quite a few shops they're eager to visit.
Wells is the smallest city in England with a Cathedral, and everything closes quite early, but there is still plenty to do and see.
After lunch the choir enjoyed a tour of the Cathedral - it's always interesting to learn about the place where you'll be spending so much of your time. They learned about the Cathedral Clock, an astronomical clock in the north transept. The clock is one of the group of famous 14th– to 16th–century astronomical clocks to be found in the West of England.
They then climbed the stairs (which our very own stairs were modeled after) to the Chapter House to complete their tour.
Evensong was held at 5:15 and the choir did beautifully! They headed out for dinner on their own and gathered later to play cards in the hotel lobby. Favorite games include Euchre and Five Crowns.
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1 Comment

Gillian Roberts - July 23rd, 2024 at 10:08pm

My sister and brother and his wife attended Evensong with me. We so much enjoyed your lovely choir. It was a privilege to hear you all. Thank you so much for making it such a special memory.