Holy Week and Easter

Holy Monday and Tuesday

April 11 & 12
Soup Supper from 5:45–6:45 pm
Choral Eucharist at 7 pm

Holy Wednesday

April 13
Soup Supper from 5:45–6:45 pm
Service of Tenebrae at 7 pm

Maundy Thursday

April 14
Soup Supper from 5:45–6:45 pm
Choral Eucharist, Foot Washing, and Stripping of the Altar at 7 pm
All Night Vigil
Begins at 10 pm, ends at 8 am
Parishioners hold vigil in St. Margaret's Chapel in response to Jesus' question:
Can you stay and watch with me? 
Sign up here to spend an hour in prayer in Saint Margaret's Chapel.
Contact Mtr. Maureen with questions at mmartin@christchurchgp.org.

Good Friday

April 15
Good Friday Liturgy at noon and 7 pm

Holy Saturday

April 16
The Great Vigil of Easter at 7 pm

Easter Day

April 17
Holy Eucharist at 7 am
Festival Eucharist at 9 and 11:15 am with brass
Easter Egg Hunt
Immediately following the 9 am service