Becoming the Beloved

Feb 21, 2021    The Rev'd Canon S. Spellers

The Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers serves as the Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation, helping Episcopalians to follow Jesus’ Way of Love and to grow loving, life-giving and liberating relationships with God, each other and the earth. The author of Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The Other and the Spirit of Transformation – as well as The Episcopal Way and the upcoming book The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline and New Hope for Beloved Community – she has directed mission and evangelism work at General Theological Seminary and served as a canon in the Diocese of Long Island; founded The Crossing, a ground-breaking church within St. Paul’s Cathedral in Boston; and led numerous church-wide renewal efforts. A native of Frankfort, Kentucky, and a graduate of both Episcopal Divinity School and Harvard Divinity School, she makes her home today in New York's Harlem neighborhood.